theme, runaway slaves, plays a big part in the book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” in a
few ways. For one, the book was published right around the time the Fugitive
Slave Law came into play. This law made it illegal for white people to assist
slaves in running away. Prison time and fines were the punishment for feeding,
sheltering and aiding any runaway slave. In the book, there are people who
against this anyway.
I think a big reason why this book
was written was to fight back against the law. There are so many instances
where comments are made and I think that’s Stowe’s way of pushing back and saying her
own opinion about it. When Mrs. Bird said "You ought to be ashamed, John! Poor, homeless, houseless creatures! It's a shameful, wicked, abominable law and I'll break it, for one, the first time i get a change; and I hope I shall have a chance, I do! things have got to a pretty pass, if a woman can't give a warm supper and a bed to poor, starving creatures, just because they are slaves, and have veen abused and oppressed all their lives, poor things!" I believe
that’s partly the opinion of Stowe (72). There were people out there that
noticed the immorality of slavery and they wanted to help in any way possible.
During the book, there are many
instances where slaves try to run away from their masters. For example, Eliza
and Harry, George, as well as the girls at the end of the book. During this
period of history, it happened all the time. The lives that these poor people
lived were just so terrible that they’d rather risk running away and possibly
getting caught than sticking around. This says a lot, now knowing the type of
torture they’d endure if they were caught. Take George for example. He was
leaving his wife and son behind and running away to Canada because he couldn’t
handle the brutality coming from his master any longer.
It was rumored that if a slave
could pass the state lines into a free state, like Ohio which is used in the
book, slaves could find people like the Quakers to help them make their way
into Canada where they could become free men and women. This became a promising
detail in the minds of slaves who were ready to make a run for it.
Overall, I think the topic of
runaway slaves plays a big role in the book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” because it was
something happening all the time and with the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act,
it was clearly a hot topic going through everyone’s minds.
I agree with the part you said that Stowe using her characters to show how she feels about the law. I also think that at the time she was planting seeds in the head of her readers to spark a notion that slavery is wrong and helping a run away slave isn't the worst thing a person could do at the time. Also, Stowe does do a good job of showing that slaves all over risked their life just to try to run away to be free. Stowe really used this book to shut down the Fugitive Slave Act very well.